Photo Archive

Below are photos and updates sent by our brothers
Our Alumni Board president assists Dan Ruppert and several other
undergraduates during the '07 Summer Arts Fest Clean-Up Weekend. Here they are replacing the deteriorated stone wall in the rear parking lot of the chapter.

I am back in Orlando after six months in Ft Lauderdale. I moved back to take a Clinical Sales Consultant position with Pharmacia Diagnostics (part of Pfizer). As for other updates, not much else is new. If anyone is in town or just wants to catch up (that means you, Gaskell), feel free to give me a call at 407.253.9505. If Penn State ends up in the Citrus Bowl, hopefully some of us can hang out.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Submitted by:
John J. Murtaugh '95
6176 Raleigh Street
Apt. 208
Orlando, FL 32835

Tom McGrotty '56, Dick Gilger '55, and Al Kirk '56 at a dinner dance sponsored by Penn State alumni in Naples, Florida. (Not pictured but in attendance was Jim Dooley '53.)

Married Kim from Allentown in 2001 (great to see Eerik Giles and Greg Scott there). We have little girl named Annika who was born in July 2003. Keep busy working in Allentown for Air Products. Spare time is spent with family, mtn biking, triathloning, or deer hunting.

Rock on warriors!!!

Submitted by:
Gregory S. Herbine '92
3302 S. Third St.
Whithall, PA 18052

Hey Guys-

My wife Elena, 14-month-old daughter, Ally, and I live in Lexington, MA. I work for an ad agency in Boston. We have another baby on the way, due in late September. I attended the long awaited wedding of Pramod Ravindran and the love of his life, Semele, last fall. Beautiful ceremony. Semele was draped in the Indian flag from Pramod's loft and Dee, the best man, wore his purple satin Sig Ep jacket. Anyway, if anyone's in Beantown please give me a ring at 617-947-0183. We're moving into a new house soon, so I'll update the address after that.


Submitted by:
Ari M. Rosenbaum '91
317 Katahdin Dr.
Lexington, MA 02421

I have been fully retired since 1990. I am still busy all the time. Before my legs and back gave out I was on the golf course 5 days a week. Its close on Tuesday and I don't play on Sunday. I am still married to the same wife for 52 years. Great!

PSU keeps me visiting high schools and talking with prospective students as part of their admissions volunteer program. I have a grand daughter who has been accepted at PSU but I don't know if she will go there. Money may make the decision.

Submitted by:
John P. Schoening '49
404 Flagship Terrace
Tinton Falls, NJ 07752

The picture is of Pat and me (now married for 31 years) arriving at a social at Penn Eta circa 1971. I just completed my sixth year as an Adjunct Law Professor at South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas where I teach Aviation Law (my wife and I graduated from law school in 1997). My "day job" is as a Captain at Continental Airlines where I am a check airman on the B757/B767 in the simulator. Emails from all the Sig Ep brothers welcomed!

Submitted by:
Thomas C. Wagner II '72
1100 Marina Dr., Unit 5
Montgomery, TX 77356-2825

Not really an update, because same old thing. Just wanted to post some pictures from George Golliday's wedding in Philly this past summer. There were about 20-some Sig-Eps there. As for me, I am living in Ft Lauderdale and working in sales for a small pharmaceutical company.

Submitted by:
John J. Murtaugh '95
6176 Raleigh Street
Apt. 208
Orlando, FL 32835

Penn Eta undergrads and alumni plan for the future.

Some of the undergraduate brothers at Homecoming 2003.

Howdy Brothers,

As of Oct 14, 2003, the adoption of our daughter, Sadie, was finalized, so the Barlett family is growing. I'm currently working at the Pentagon and have had the opportunity to catch up with John Stokes, Stu Rubin, Rob Bakin, and Pat Harding since getting back to the US. I've also kept in touch with Matt Zimmerman (as he doesn't let me get too far out of touch). The other news for the Barlett family is we know where our next assignment will be: I was selected to teach Air Force ROTC at none other than Penn State University. We'll be moving back to State College in July 04, so if any alums are in the area, please look us up!

Submitted by:
John V. Barlett '92
102 Raleigh Ave
State College, PA 16801

Homecoming 2001

Alumni brothers tailgate for Penn State.
The alumni board members pose for a photo.
Some hard-working alums take a well-deserved break during work week 2004.
Relaxing during work week 2004.
Our alumni gather for a toast.
Our members showed their Sig Ep pride by sporting a commemorative shirt for Homecoming 2004.
Our 2004 tailgate sweatshirts.
To submit your photos and news, click on the "Submit News Items" link on the left.